Over the past 30 years, PreCheck has dedicated itself to providing a smart solution to these challenges. Leveraging advanced background check technologies, PreCheck aims to streamline and strengthen crucial screening processes. The primary goal is to ensure compliance, minimize risks, and uphold the highest standards of patient care and organizational integrity.
Despite these efforts, PreCheck encountered a hurdle in the form of a complex UI/UX, impacting the efficiency of candidate screening and credential monitoring processes. The existing system was out of date with high load times resulting in a 3-5-day lag in the hiring process, and user dissatisfaction was amplified due to difficult usability. This, in turn, led to a reduced number of professionals benefiting from the digital system. Recognizing the pressing need for change and digital transformation, PreCheck sought a solution.
In response to this challenge, PreCheck approached Liquid Technologies, recognizing the opportunity for transformative enhancements. Liquid Technologies swiftly identified areas to improve user experience, streamline workflows, and reduce turnaround time in both internal and external processes. The collaboration between PreCheck and Liquid Technologies aimed to address these issues head-on, paving the way for a more efficient and user-friendly screening and credential monitoring system.