There was a time when developers and companies invested a lot in both hardware and places to store it. Companies used to have a dedicated location for just their servers and other hardware. Over the past decade, the IT sector has seen rapid developments, for increased and cost-effective solutions, with massive credit going to the serverless development. Serverless development gives you a chance to avail non-stop development services without worrying about the load on the servers. This doesn’t exactly mean that it will be a Serverless concept. You cannot perform activities on the web without the servers. It just eliminates the requirement of infrastructure management. This means, you do not need a separate location for the servers and no need for system maintenance. After much wait, Amazon took the first step in advancing towards Serverless Development. In 2014, Amazon launched the first viable Serverless development platform, AWS Lambda. This laid the foundation for other Serverless frameworks to follow. Most of the Serverless development platforms are functions as a service (FAAS), instead of what the typical cloud service looks like, which has fixed charges for each virtual server when bought, regardless of whether it is being used or not.
Advantages of Serverless Development Platform:
The Reasons why you should opt for Serverless Development.
More Time to Focus on Application:
Developers don’t have to worry about the infrastructure management of servers or operating systems. The time saved can be used to enhance their applications.
Faster Development:
ServerServerless means much less operations are involved compared to common development procedures, which eventually reduces the development time.
With the Serverless framework comes the architecture of modularity, to break up the use-case into a singular or collective function(s) where each function or collection can work as a separate app.
The Process of Scalability is made automatic, as it can manage huge amounts of data, without any intrusion any The process of Scalability is automatized, as it can now manage huge amounts of data, without any intrusion.
Cost Effective:
With Serverless settings, not only is it cost-effective in terms of infrastructure expenses saved, but also being an FAAS, it charges for per function executed, rather than the number of virtual servers.
Why to avoid Serverless Development
Despite so many reason to go for Serverless Development, it has its own limitations
Serverless Development is efficient when smaller functions are executed. Things get tougher when larger and more complex tasks are to performed, as Serverless architecture is not equipped to handle such functions.
With the benefit of not having to manage the infrastructure of servers or operating systems comes the downside of the increase in dependency on the server where your data is being managed. You might be dictated and limited to specific tools and technologies to use.
People having the skills of a normal developer might now have the required skillset for Serverless development. This makes the process of hiring Serverless developers all the more complicated. For most developers, the description of Serverless Development is daunting enough not to apply for it. At Liquid Technology, however, our Certified Developers can help guide you and your application to be more modular, better maintained, and be scale at will.
Final Word
Serverless Development has introduced a world revolution to reduce the number of hardware that needs to be Serverless Development has set in motion a revolution to reduce the number of hardware devices that need to be managed, so the developers can have an uninterrupted focus on what matters most – development. It has emphasized that no matter what the activity, developers should not be concerned by the secondary factors. Of course, like the previously announced status-quo, it will take time for people to adapt to this paradigm shift. It will surely take time, but Serverless Development has the capabilities to change the way people look at, and operate, businesses. It has the potential to lead the Information Technology market to reduce cost and enhance the performance of the way the development takes place. The quicker an enterprise embraces this change, the faster it will gain a potential edge over its competitors.